TrainingsEpic Games TrainingUnreal Connectors

Unreal Connectors

The Unreal Engine Connector program consists of several weeks of very intensive German-language courses that introduce you to the Unreal Engine in an industry-related way and deepen this knowledge in a project-related way. You will learn in trainings, working groups, labs and individual sessions with your mentor how to independently implement an industry-related project. You’ll have access to guest speakers and get to know many key decision makers at Epic Games.

Included is access to your personal high-end virtual training computer, so there’s no need to invest in expensive graphics hardware on your part.

The Connector Program is an initiative of Epic Games and is conducted in German-speaking countries exclusively by INCAS Training on behalf of and in cooperation with Epic Games.

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INCAS Training is an official Unreal Connector Training Center and one of three Unreal Authorized Premier Training Centers in the world. Unreal Engine training at INCAS Training is considered a reference. Epic Games uses the Unreal Authorized Instructors (UAI) from the INCAS Training team globally to train other training centers and conduct Train the Trainer courses.

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