SchulungenIBMIBM SustainabilityIBM Control Desk 7.6 Service Request Management Fundamentals (TP362G)
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IBM Control Desk 7.6 Service Request Management Fundamentals (TP362G) Seminar

Managing Service Desk

This course introduces you to the fundamental concepts of managing a Service Desk using IBM Control Desk. Through instructor-led discussion, demonstrations and hands-on labs, you learn how to create and resolve service requests, incidents and problems. You also learn to manage a service catalog, obtain user feedback through surveys, and generate reports.

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Mit einem Training von IBM erweiterst du das Know-how deiner Mitarbeiter – ein klarer Wettbewerbsvorteil für dein Unternehmen. Mit unseren Services und der neuesten Technologie für verteiltes Lernen aktualisierst du die Fähigkeiten deiner IT-Mitarbeiter.

Inhalte IBM Control Desk 7.6 Service Request Seminar

You should be able to perform the following tasks:

  • Describe the features and applications of the Service Desk and Service Catalog
  • Explain the purpose and goals of request fulfillment, incident management, and problem management processes
  • Handle an issue from initial report to resolution using the Service Desk
  • Follow an offering from shopping to fulfillment using the Service Catalog

Course Outline


  • Service Request Management challenges
  • Industry standards
  • Tivoli’s process automation engine
  • IBM Control Desk

Service management

  • IBM Service Management overview
  • Service operation
  • Support levels overview
  • Tickets overview
  • Working with other management processes

The Service Desk

  • Service Desk overview
  • The Service Requests application
  • Looking for new tickets
  • Creating new service requests
  • Filling out the service request
  • Time management
  • Information locations overview
  • Searching for information
  • Fulfilling the request
  • Communications
  • Documenting the solution
  • Resolving tickets
  • The Incidents application
  • Creating the incident ticket
  • Filling out the incident ticket
  • Resolving the incident
  • The Problems application
  • Creating a problem ticket

Service requests, incidents, and problems

  • Process flow
  • Request Fulfillment roles
  • Simple information request scenario
  • Solution lookup scenario
  • Solution creation scenario
  • Complex issue scenario
  • Incident management overview
  • Global issues
  • Event management
  • Incident roles
  • Incident management scenario
  • Problem management overview
  • Problem management roles
  • Problem management scenario

The Service Catalog

  • Service Catalog overview
  • The Service Catalog process
  • Scenario


  • Overview
  • Role
  • Self-service tools
  • Scenarios
  • Navigating the Service Portal


  • Overview
  • Workflow process maps
  • Task assignments
  • Routing workflow
  • Workflow actions
  • Scenarios

Service level agreements

  • Overview
  • Commitments
  • Escalations
  • Applying service level agreements


  • Measuring satisfaction
  • Survey forms
  • Creating a survey
  • Sending surveys


  • Overview
  • Running reports
  • Reports

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Zielgruppe IBM Control Desk 7.6 Service Request Seminar

This course is designed for anyone who implements or uses IBM Control Desk for Service Desk and Service Catalog functions, or anyone working with Service Requests, Incidents or Problems.

Voraussetzungen IBM Control Desk 7.6 Service Request Seminar

Before taking this course, you should have the following skills:

  • At a minimum, intermediate computer skills
  • The ability to visualize complex scenarios


IBM Control Desk 7.6 Service Request Schulung
Daumen nach oben (Bewertungsübersicht)
69 Bewertungen
vollständiger Stern vollständiger Stern vollständiger Stern vollständiger Stern
Kundenstimme männlich
Torsten B.
Westdeutscher Rundfunk WDR
vollständiger Sternvollständiger Sternvollständiger Sternvollständiger Sternvollständiger Stern
Das Seminar hat nicht nur Spaß gemacht, sondern auch wirklich 'ne Menge gebracht :-)
Kundenstimme männlich
Dimitri B.
HSBC Trinkaus
vollständiger Sternvollständiger Sternvollständiger Sternvollständiger Sternvollständiger Stern
Sehr informativ und in der Praxis wiederverwendbar.
Kundenstimme männlich
Nina P.
vollständiger Sternvollständiger Sternvollständiger Sternvollständiger Sternvollständiger Stern
Das Seminar hat meine Erwartungen voll erfüllt. Man hat gemerkt, dass der Trainer Spaß an der Sache und sehr viel Ahnung vom Thema hat. Das Gefühl hat man nicht in allen Schulungen (auf Schulungen im Allgemeinen bezogen).
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