SchulungenJuniper NetworksAdvanced Junos Enterprise Switching
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Advanced Junos Enterprise Switching

Detailed coverage of VLAN, MSTP and IP

AJEX is an advanced-level course. This two-day course provides detailed coverage of virtual LAN (VLAN) operations, Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol (MSTP) and VLAN Spanning Tree Protocol (VSTP), authentication and access control for Layer 2 networks, IP telephony features, class of service (CoS) and monitoring and troubleshooting tools and features supported on the EX Series Ethernet Switches. Through demonstrations and hands-on labs, students will gain experience in configuring and monitoring the Junos operating system and in monitoring device and protocol operations. This course is based on the Junos OS Release 10.4R3.4.

Inhalte Junos Enterprise Switching

After successfully completing this course, you should be able to:

  • Implement filter-based VLAN assignments.
  • Restrict traffic flow within a VLAN.
  • Manage dynamic VLAN registration.
  • Tunnel Layer 2 traffic through Ethernet networks.
  • Review the purpose and operations of a spanning tree.
  • Implement multiple spanning-tree instances in a network.
  • Implement one or more spanning-tree instances for a VLAN.
  • List the benefits of implementing end-user authentication.
  • Explain the operations of various access control features.
  • Configure and monitor various access control features.
  • Describe processing considerations when multiple authentication and access control features are enabled.
  • Describe some common IP telephony deployment scenarios.
  • Describe features that facilitate IP telephony deployments.
  • Configure and monitor features used in IP telephony deployments.
  • Explain the purpose and basic operations of CoS.
  • Describe CoS features used in Layer 2 networks.
  • Configure and monitor CoS in a Layer 2 network .
  • Describe a basic troubleshooting method.
  • List common issues that disrupt network operations.
  • Identify tools used in network troubleshooting.
  • Use available tools to resolve network issues.

Wir schulen auch bei dir vor Ort!

Diese Junos Enterprise Switching Schulung führen wir auch bei dir im Unternehmen als individualisierte Junos Enterprise Switching-Firmenschulung durch.

Zielgruppe Junos Enterprise Switching

This course benefits individuals responsible for configuring and monitoring EX Series switches.

Voraussetzungen Junos Enterprise Switching

Students should have an intermediate-level of networking knowledge and an understanding of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model and the TCP/IP protocol suite. Students should also attend the Introduction to the Junos Operating System (IJOS) course, the Junos Routing Essentials (JRE) course, and the Junos Enterprise Switching (JEX) course prior to attending this class.

Junos Enterprise Switching Schulung
Daumen nach oben (Bewertungsübersicht)
103 Bewertungen
vollständiger Stern vollständiger Stern vollständiger Stern vollständiger Stern halber Stern
Kundenstimme männlich
Philipp M.
Wacom Europe GmbH
vollständiger Sternvollständiger Sternvollständiger Sternvollständiger Sternvollständiger Stern
Sehr gute Organisation, guter Trainer - alles super!
Kundenstimme männlich
Wolfgang N.
ThyssenKrupp Nirosta
vollständiger Sternvollständiger Sternvollständiger Sternvollständiger Sternvollständiger Stern
Eine gute Adresse für das Erlernen scheinbar schwieriger und trockener Themen, die hier gut aufbereitet werden.
Kundenstimme männlich
Lucas F.
Fa. Feld Textil GmbH
vollständiger Sternvollständiger Sternvollständiger Sternvollständiger Sternvollständiger Stern
Kann man nur weiterempfehlen! In kürzestem Zeitraum lernt man alle Basisdaten konkret und ausführlich.
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