Der Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Administration (ECA) Kurs dient zur Vorbereitung der Zertifizierung zum Nutanix Certified Professional – Multicloud Infrastructure (NCP-MCI).
Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Administration (ECA)
Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Administration (ECA) - Nutanix erfolgreich konfigurieren und verwalten
In unserem Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Administration (ECA) Kurs lernst du, Nutanix im Rechenzentrum erfolgreich zu konfigurieren und zu verwalten. Es werden viele der Aufgaben behandelt, die Nutanix-Administratoren durch die Verwendung von grafischen Benutzeroberflächen (GUIs) und Befehlszeilenschnittstellen (CLIs) ausführen. Zudem bietet dieses Training einen Einblick in die Failover- und Selbstheilungsfähigkeiten eines Nutanix-Clusters, gibt Tipps zur Lösung häufiger Probleme und stellt Richtlinien zum Sammeln von Informationen bei der Interaktion mit dem Nutanix-Support.
Nutanix Certified Professional – Multicloud Infrastructure (NCP-MCI) Prüfung
Die Prüfung ist jeweils im Preis des Kurses Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Administration (ECA) bereits enthalten und erfolgt separat online außerhalb des Trainings. Die Freischaltung der Teilnehmer für das Online-Portal erfolgt durch Nutanix.
Lernziele Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Administration
Inhalte Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Administration
Start: Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Administration (ECA)
1: Getting Started with a Nutanix Cluster
- Understand three-tier and hyperconverged infrastructure
- Understand Nutanix Cloud Solution Packages
- Understand nodes, blocks, clusters, and cluster services
- Get Started with Prism Central and Prism Element
- Understand when to use Prism Central and when to use Prism Element
Hands-on-Labs - Connecting to and exploring the Prism Web Console
- Adding data services IP, an NTP server, and a name server
- Configuring Active Directory authentication
- Exploring Prism Central
- Prism Central initial configuration
2: Securing a Nutanix Cluster
- Understand Nutanix’s approach to security
- Use Prism Central to configure authentication, users, and RBAC
- Understand Policies in Flow Network Security
- Use Prism Element to configure Data-at-Rest Encryption
Hands-on-Labs - Adding a local user
- Verifying a new user account
3: Configuring Cluster Networking
- Understand AHV networking terminology
- Use Prism Central to monitor cluster networks
- Use Prism Element to explore the Network Visualizer
- Create and update subnets and virtual switches
- Understand subnet extension and network segmentation
Hands-on Labs - Creating unmanaged and managed networks
- Exploring the AHV network configuration
- Managing virtual switches and uplinks
- Viewing virtual switches from the Prism Web Console
4: Managing Images
- Understand the image service
- Use Prism Central to monitor, upload, import, and manage images
Hands-on Labs - Uploading and importing images to Prism Central
- Configuring an image placement policy
5: Creating Virtual Machines
- Use Prism Central to create VMs
- Use Prism Central’s self-service capabilities to create VM templates
- Install and enable Nutanix Guest Tools
Hands-on Labs - Creating Windows and Linux VMs
- Installing Windows and Linux operating systems
- Installing Nutanix Guest Tools on Windows and Linux
6: Managing Virtual Machines
- Update, clone, customize, export, and apply placement rules to VMs
- Create and apply storage policies to VMs
- Create playbooks to automate common VM administrative tasks
Hands-on Labs - Updating a VM
- Creating a template and a clone
- Exporting a VM as an OVA
- Creating and running a playbook
- Creating a storage policy
7: Protecting VMs and Their Data
- Understand data protection terms and concepts
- Understand synchronous and asynchronous replication capabilities
- Use Prism Element to configure local and remote backup and DR
- Use Prism Central to create protection policies with Leap
Hands-on Labs - Creating protection domains and local VM restore
- Creating containers for replication
- Configuring remote sites and creating protection domains
- Performing VM migration and migrating back to primary
8: Configuring and Managing Cluster Storage
- Understand AOS Distributed Storage
- Understand key storage concepts such as storage pools, storage containers, redundancy factor, replication factor, capacity reservation, and snapshots
- Understand fault tolerance and failure handling mechanisms
- Create and update storage containers
- Use various capacity optimization features
Hands-on Labs - Exploring the Storage dashboard
- Creating containers with and without compression
- Comparing data in a compressed vs uncompressed container
- Migrating vdisks between storage containers
9: Migrating Workloads with Nutanix Move
- Understand, install, and upgrade Nutanix Move
- Use Move to migrate VMs
- Download Move logs
Hands-on Labs - Preparing a VM for migration
- Deploying a Move VM
- Configuring Move and a migration plan
10: Monitoring Cluster Performance
- Understand performance monitoring features in Prism Central
- Create sessions, charts, and reports
- Create custom dashboards in Prism Central
Hands-on Labs - Creating a Prism Central performance monitoring dashboard
- Creating charts to analyze metrics using Prism Central
- Creating and managing reports
11: Monitoring Cluster Health
- Understand health monitoring features in Prism Central and Prism Element
- Get summarized and detailed health information from Prism
- Use Nutanix Cluster Check
- Collect logs
Hands-on Labs - Using Nutanix Cluster Check health checks
- Collecting logs for Support
- Creating and managing reports
12: Investigating and Remediating Performance Issues
- Understand alerts and events and the associated dashboards in Prism Central
- Identify problematic or inefficient VMs
- Potential methods of remediating problematic VMs
Hands-on Labs - Working with Alerts
- Exploring Events
13: Performing Cluster Maintenance
- Performing health checks
- Using maintenance mode
- Starting and stopping nodes and clusters
- Adding nodes to or removing nodes from clusters
Hands-on Labs - Verifying cluster health
- Putting a node into maintenance mode & removing it
14: Upgrading Licenses, Software, and Firmware
- Understanding LCM and the LCM workflow
- Performing an upgrade using LCM
- Licensing a cluster and managing licenses
Hands-on Labs - Use Life Cycle Manager to upgrade NCC
Ende der Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Administration (ECA) Schulung
Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Administration (ECA) Schulung Zielgruppe: Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Administration
Der Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Administration (ECA) Kurs richtet sich an Administratoren, Architekten und Führungskräfte, die Nutanix-Cluster in einem Rechenzentrum verwalten. Zusätzlich eignet sich dieser Kurs auch für Manager und technisches Personal die weiterführende Infos bezüglich Kaufentscheidungen suchen.
Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Administration (ECA) Schulung Voraussetzungen: Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Administration
Für die Teilnahme an unserem Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Administration (ECA) Training sind folgende Accounts erforderlich:
Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Hintergrund: Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Administration
Nutanix Enterprise Cloud ist eine innovative Lösung, die Unternehmen dabei unterstützt, ihre IT-Infrastruktur zu modernisieren und zu vereinfachen. Sie bietet eine hyperkonvergente Infrastruktur (HCI), die Computing, Storage und Netzwerk in einem einzigen System vereint. Dadurch wird die Komplexität der IT-Landschaft reduziert und die Flexibilität erhöht. Mehr dazu erfährst du in unserer Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Administration (ECA) Schulung.
Nutanix Enterprise Cloud Administration (ECA)
Nutanix Enterprise Cloud bietet Unternehmen eine flexible und skalierbare Plattform, um ihre IT-Infrastruktur zu modernisieren und die digitale Transformation voranzutreiben. Durch die Vereinfachung der Verwaltung, die Erhöhung der Agilität und die Senkung der Kosten unterstützt Nutanix Unternehmen dabei, sich auf ihre Kernkompetenzen zu konzentrieren.