SchulungenSUSESUSE ManagerSUSE Manager Basic Operations (SMGR201v4)
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SUSE Manager Basic Operations (SMGR201v4) Seminar

Day-to-day administrative tasks with SUSE Manager

This three day course focuses on the types of day-to-day administrative tasks that SUSE Manager makes easy to complete and monitor. Generally, the major topics that are discussed in detail are:

  • Exploring the SUSE Manager (SUMA) Web UI Management Console
  • Implementing Channel Management
  • Delegating Management Authority in SUMA
  • Managing Minions using Salt commands
  • Performing common administrative activities.

Inhalte SMGR201v4 SUSE Manager Basic Seminar

Attendees will be taught the following concepts and skills:

  • Review the SUMA Architectural Components (SUMA Server, SUMA Proxy Server, and Managed Clients)
  • Understand the parts of the SUMA Web UI and how to access it
  • Using the SUMA Web UI to:
    • Get an overview of your entire SUMA system via the Visualization feature
    • Locate desired managed clients by using the Web UI’s advanced search capabilities
    • View the system details of managed clients
  • Understand the Registration Process and what occurs during Registration
  • Create, configure, and manage Registration related object such as Activation Keys, Channels, System Groups, and Salt Keys
  • Plan for, and implement Registration using the Web UI and bootstrap scripts
  • Implement Channel Management:
    • Learn Channel related terminology and channel types
    • Clone Channel content
    • Implement Configuration Channels
    • Understand and implement Content Lifecycle Management (CLM)
  • Learn how to delegate management authority in SUMA:
    • Understand how and why additional SUMA Organizations may need to be created
    • Establishing trust between SUMA Organizations
    • Learn about the Administrative Roles and Permission Roles that can be created and assigned to manage SUMA resources
    • Creating new Web UI administrative users
  • Manage client servers using Salt:
    • Define Salt and understand its architecture
    • Understand Salt grains, pillars, and states
    • Learn how to leverage the salt, salt-run, salt-call, and salt-key commands
  • Perform common administrative tasks such as:
    • Using the Web UI to execute commands on remote client servers
    • Using the System Set Manager (SSM) to perform management activities on multiple client servers at one time
    • Creating and using Action Chains
    • Understand and use various methods for installing RPM packages on client servers

Wir schulen auch bei dir vor Ort!

Diese SMGR201v4 SUSE Manager Basic Schulung führen wir auch bei dir im Unternehmen als individualisierte SMGR201v4 SUSE Manager Basic-Firmenschulung durch.

Zielgruppe SMGR201v4 SUSE Manager Basic Seminar

This course is designed for:

  • Server System Administrators who are tasked with day-to-day server management and support.
  • Senior System Administrators who are typically 2nd or 3rd level support within their company and act as “team leads” for Server System Administrators.
  • Consultants that need to understand how SUSE Manager can significantly lessen the administrative burden of managing hundreds or even thousands of servers.

Voraussetzungen SMGR201v4 SUSE Manager Basic Seminar

Attendees should have the following experience and skills before attending this class:

  • Installing and configuring SUMA Servers and Proxy Servers is only reviewed in this training. The attendee is assumed to be responsible day-to-day management. However, detailed information on installation and initial configuration of SUMA is presented in course SMGR211v4: SUSE Manager 4 Deployment and Initial Configuration. But attendance in SMGR211v4 is helpful, not required to be successful in this class
  • Have at least one year’s experience managing Linux operating systems
  • Be able to work at the Linux command-line and use the vi editor
  • Understand how to manually install packages on SUSE Linux Enterprise servers.


SMGR201v4 SUSE Manager Basic Schulung
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Kundenstimme männlich
Thomas M.
Aldi GmbH & Co. KG
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Lernen in einem sehr entspannten und angenehmen Klima. Prima!
Kundenstimme männlich
Mausolf B.
Struers GmbH
vollständiger Sternvollständiger Sternvollständiger Sternvollständiger Sternvollständiger Stern
Tolle Schulung - kompetenter Trainer, der geduldig auf alle Fragen einging, diese beantworten konnte und darüber hinaus viele neue Anregungen mit auf den Weg gab. Die Schulung hat Spaß gemacht.
Kundenstimme männlich
Lucas F.
Fa. Feld Textil GmbH
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Kann man nur weiterempfehlen! In kürzestem Zeitraum lernt man alle Basisdaten konkret und ausführlich.
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