TrainingsUnity trainingsIntroduction to Unity
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Introduction to Unity Seminar

One-day overview workshop on the Unity development environment

This hands-on workshop will give you an insight into developing real-time 3D applications with Unity in just one day. Through a series of small projects, you’ll learn the user interface and get an introduction to how to best prepare 3D data for use in Unity. We’ll also show you how to use materials, lighting, and the Animator to bring your application to life. Scripting and interactions can also be used to process input from different devices in your application. Upon completion of the course, you will have an overview of the individual workflows and tools required to create your first applications using the Unity real-time development platform. This course prepares you compactly for further Unity training!

Unity Authorized Training Partner

We are the only Unity Authorized Training Partner (UATP) in German-speaking countries. Whether gaming, serious gaming, event, VR or AR – we have the right solution for your requirements.

Content Unity Grundlagen Seminar

  • Overview of the user interface and tools
  • Introduction to optimization and best practices
  • Introduction to importing data
  • Introduction to material creation
  • Introduction to lighting
  • Overview of the Animator
  • Overview of scripting and interactions

We also train at your place!

We also conduct this Unity Grundlagen training at your company as an individualized Unity Grundlagen company training.

Introduction to Unity: Audience Unity Grundlagen Seminar

3D developers from all areas (engineering, visualization, architecture, game development, etc.) who want to get an overview of the possibilities of Unity.

Introduction to Unity: Requirements Unity Grundlagen Seminar

Basic knowledge of image processing and 3D in general is rudimentarily assumed. Programming knowledge is helpful, but not mandatory, in order to tackle the course content.

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Live Online Training

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