TrainingsEpic Games TrainingUnreal ConnectorsUnreal Connectors: Storytelling
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Unreal Connectors: Storytelling Masterclass

Create your own animated short film in five weeks

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We’ll take you on a journey into the depths of the rabbit hole. In this Epic Games Masterclass, you’ll learn from different professionals how to work with the Unreal Engine and how to use the most effective workflows in the shortest amount of time. Your mentors will teach you what makes good storytelling and how to create your script and storyboard in the shortest time possible. In workgroups and in individual sessions you will continuously expand your skillset. You’ll have your animation ideas brought to life live in a motion capture studio, and well-known guest speakers from around the world will inspire you and bring you into direct contact with them.

This is not a normal online training. There is no consumption here: You are a member of a strong selected group from day one, highly motivated to work together towards the goal of generating the greatest short films. The best films will be published by Epic Games at the end! Seats are limited. Take the challenge and book in now!

Five weeks that will change your life.
Your time commitment specifically consists of five weeks of training with a full-time program for you.

It starts with your idea
Before it starts, it already starts for you creatively. Think up your story that you want to tell. Our trainers and mentors will then help you get to the heart of it and make it happen.

80 Hours of Unreal Engine Deep Dive Training
We introduce you step by step to the Unreal Engine and its incredible possibilities with live online trainings with deep dive labs. Accompanied by your mentors and the strong community. Always with the goal in mind to produce your perfect short film. Your new tools: Basics, Animation, Materials, Lighting, Sequencer, Control Rig, Mocap, Blueprint…

We are here for you non-stop.
You always have a contact person: In the training labs, practice labs, mentor labs, the open coffee rounds, the after work sessions or directly in the supported Discord channels of the Connector or your team. And most importantly, this community will stay with you even after your time in the Connector is over!

60 hours mentors and trainers hone together on your projects.
Each group has its own mentor who will support you in the area of storytelling and storyboard. Because in addition to the implementation in the Unreal Engine, of course, your script and your shots must sit and create the desired effect. This is the second big learning for you besides the know-how in the Unreal Engine!

You direct
We provide you with a studio incl. technology and actors who act out your desired scene in a professional MoCap studio. Live and remotely guided by you. So you get your own individual MoCap data to give your film the final touch.

… and the Oscar goes to: You!
Epic Games supports you with their outreach and you get big with us and Epic on social media! Look forward to hundreds of likes for your film. We also support you in your application to one of the many German short film festivals. One thing is for sure: You will be seen!


Want to learn more? Read in our blog the article:
Unreal Connectors: Storytelling – What’s important and a look behind the scenes


In Connector IV/2024, we will kick off on Wednesday, November 06, 2024 with a one-day kickoff event and onboarding.

  • Kickoff: November 06
  • Connector week 1: November 11-15
  • Connector week 2: November 18-22
  • Connector week 3: November 25-29
  • Connector week 4: December 02-06
  • Connector week 5: December 09-13
  • Film festival and closing: December 13
Unreal Connectors Partner Logo

INCAS Training is an official Unreal Connector Training Center and one of three Unreal Authorized Premier Training Centers in the world. Unreal Engine training at INCAS Training is considered a reference. Epic Games uses the Unreal Authorized Instructors (UAI) from the INCAS Training team globally to train other training centers and conduct Train the Trainer courses.

Learning objectives Unreal Connectors: Storytelling Masterclass

At the end of your journey through the Connector, you will be able to work with the Unreal Engine at a professional level and create or collaborate on your own productions. You know how to tell exciting visual stories and have produced your own short film that will be your reference and door opener in your professional career.

Nächstes Bild
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Unreal Engine 5 training sessions Unreal Connectors: Storytelling Masterclass

  • Introduction to Unreal Engine 5
  • Your first project in the Unreal Engine
  • Importing and preparing 3D geometries
  • Quixel: What it is and how to use it
  • Unlimited geometric detail with Nanite
  • Introduction to materials and surface shaders
  • Movie creation with Sequencer for Virtual Production
  • Creating environments and 3D scenes
  • Introduction to lighting and post processing
  • Introduction to using the Sequencer
  • Blueprint Visual Scripting for Virtual Production
  • Introduction to Animating with the Unreal Engine
  • Introduction to the use of the Control Rig
  • Basics of optimizing for real-time rendering
  • Advanced techniques for material creation
  • Advanced techniques for film lighting
  • Dynamic global illumination with Lumen
  • Optimizing animation workflows
  • Animation blueprints and working with the Take Recorder
  • Recording face tracking animations via Live Link Face
  • Atmospheric and Geopositioned Lighting
  • Rendering of movie sequences and still images

Each training session is immediately followed by a Lab to reinforce the content.

Examples of short films from previous events: Unreal Fellowship Showcase

We also train at your place!

We also conduct this Unreal Connectors: Storytelling training at your company as an individualized Unreal Connectors: Storytelling company training.

Target audience Unreal Connectors: Storytelling Masterclass

CG Artists and those who want to be.

Prerequisite Unreal Connectors: Storytelling Masterclass

Experience in the field of media production

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Lesson times

Training location

Live Online Training

Technical requirements

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Notes on the training location


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