SchulungenIBMIBM Data and AIIBM Cognos Analytics: Author Reports Advanced (v11.2) (B6359G)
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IBM Cognos Analytics: Author Reports Advanced (v11.2) (B6359G) Seminar

IBM Cognos Analytics: Author Reports Advanced (v11.2) (B6359G): Fortgeschrittene Techniken zur Berichterstellung unter Verwendung relationaler Datenmodelle

In unserem Kurs IBM Cognos Analytics: Author Reports Advanced (v11.2) (B6359G) lernen professionelle Berichtsautoren fortgeschrittene Techniken zur Erstellung von Berichten mit relationalen Datenmodellen kennen und erfahren, wie sie professionelle Berichte verbessern, anpassen und verwalten können. Der Kurs baut auf den Themen auf, die im Grundlagen-Kurs vorgestellt wurden. Die Teilnehmer/innen nehmen an interaktiven Demonstrationen und Übungen teil, die die wichtigsten Konzepte veranschaulichen, während sie lernen, wie man die fortgeschrittenen Funktionen des Produkts nutzt, die auf den Themen des Grundlagenkurses aufbauen.

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Inhalte IBM Cognos Analytics Author Reports Advanced Seminar

Unit 1: Create query models

  • build query models and then connect them to the report layout
  • edit an SQL statement to author custom queries
  • add filters and prompts to a report using the query models

Unit 2: Create reports based on query relationships

  • create reports by joining queries
  • combine data containers based on relationships from different queries

Unit 3: Introduction to dimensional reporting concepts and dimensional data in reports

  • List and describe the data model types
  • Describe the OLAP data structure and elements
  • Differentiate between report authoring styles
  • use members to build reports
  • identify and use sets and tuples in reports

Unit 4: Dimensional report context

  • understand report context
  • root members
  • default members
  • current members
  • default measures
  • current measures

Unit 5: Focus your dimensional data

  • understand how relational data sources behave
  • understand how dimensional data sources behave
  • create efficient queries
  • understand filtering techniques
  • use dimensional objects and functions
  • create slicers and prompts

Unit 6: Calculations and dimensional functions

  • understand the different types of dimensional functions within Cognos Analytics
  • create reports utilizing dimensional functions
  • use calculations within reports

Unit 7: Create advanced dynamic reports

  • filter reports on session parameter values
  • create dynamic headers and titles that reflect report data
  • create a customer invoice report

Unit 8: Design effective prompts

  • control report displays using prompts
  • specify conditional formatting values using prompts
  • create sorted and filtered reports based on prompt selection

Unit 9: Examine the report specification and distribute reports

  • work with the report specification
  • report specification flow
  • considerations when modifying a report specification
  • Create custom toolbox and template objects
  • distribute reports using bursting
  • create burst keys
  • identify report recipients and data items using burst tables
  • distribute reports using email and the IBM Cognos Analytics portal

Unit 10: Enhance user experience with HTML and Custom Controls

  • create interactive reports by using HTML
  • Include additional information with tooltips
  • Send emails by using links in a report
  • understand custom controls
  • AMD models
  • adding a custom control
  • using JavaScript files

Unit 11: Advanced techniques

  • understand advanced features
  • booklet and reference reports
  • table of contents
  • tabbed reports
  • classes and class extensions
  • global parameters
  • create a report binder

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IBM Cognos Analytics: Author Reports Advanced (v11.2) (B6359G) Zielgruppe: IBM Cognos Analytics Author Reports Advanced Seminar

Der Kurs IBM Cognos Analytics: Author Reports Advanced (v11.2) (B6359G) richtet sich an Autoren von IBM Cognos Analytics Reports

IBM Cognos Analytics: Author Reports Advanced (v11.2) (B6359G) Voraussetzungen: IBM Cognos Analytics Author Reports Advanced Seminar

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