SchulungenJuniper NetworksAdvanced Junos Security
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Advanced Junos Security Seminar

Build off of the current Junos Security (JSEC) offering

This five-day course, which is designed to build off of the current Junos Security (JSEC) offering, delves deeper into Junos security. Through demonstrations and hands-on labs, you will gain experience in configuring and monitoring the advanced Junos OS security features with advanced coverage of virtualization, AppSecure, advanced Network Address Translation (NAT) deployments, Layer 2 security, and Sky ATP. This course uses Juniper Networks SRX Series Services Gateways for the hands-on component. This course is based on Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D70.3 and Junos Space Security director 16.1.

After successfully completing this course, you should be able to:

  • Demonstrate understanding of concepts covered in the prerequisite Junos Security course.
  • Describe the various forms of security supported by the Junos OS.
  • Implement features of the AppSecure suite, including AppID, AppFW, AppTrack, AppQoS, and SSL Proxy.
  • Configure custom application signatures.
  • Describe Junos security handling at Layer 2 versus Layer 3.
  • Implement next generation Layer 2 security features.
  • Demonstrate understanding of Logical Systems (LSYS).
  • Use Junos debugging tools to analyze traffic flows and identify traffic processing patterns and problems.
  • Describe Junos routing instance types used for virtualization.
  • Implement virtual routing instances in a security setting.
  • Describe and configure route sharing between routing instances using logical tunnel interfaces.
  • Utilize Junos tools for troubleshooting Junos security implementations.
  • Perform successful troubleshooting of some common Junos security issues.
  • Describe and discuss Sky ATP and its function in the network.
  • Describe and configure UTM functions.
  • Discuss IPS and its function in the network.
  • Implement IPS policy.
  • Describe and implement SDSN in a network.
  • Describe and implement user role firewall in a network.
  • Demonstrate the understanding of integrated user firewall.

Inhalte Junos Advanced Security Seminar

  • Course Introduction
  • Junos Layer 2 Packet Handling and Security Features
  • Virtualization
  • AppSecure Theory
  • AppSecure Implementation
  • Working with Log director
  • Sky ATP Theory
  • Sky ATP Implementation
  • Implementing UTM
  • Introduction to IPS
  • IPS Policy and Configuration
  • SDSN
  • Enforcement, Monitoring, and Reporting
  • Troubleshooting Junos Security

Wir schulen auch bei dir vor Ort!

Diese Junos Advanced Security Schulung führen wir auch bei dir im Unternehmen als individualisierte Junos Advanced Security-Firmenschulung durch.

Zielgruppe Junos Advanced Security Seminar

This course benefits individuals responsible for implementing, monitoring, and troubleshooting Junos security components.

Voraussetzungen Junos Advanced Security Seminar

Students should have a strong level of TCP/IP networking and security knowledge. Students should also attend the Introduction to the Junos Operating System (IJOS) and Junos Security (JSEC) courses prior to attending this class.


Junos Advanced Security Schulung
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111 Bewertungen
vollständiger Stern vollständiger Stern vollständiger Stern vollständiger Stern vollständiger Stern
Kundenstimme männlich
Michael W.
Ernst & Young Retail Services GmbH
vollständiger Sternvollständiger Sternvollständiger Sternvollständiger Sternvollständiger Stern
Ich fühlte mich in diesem Seminar hervorragend betreut. Es war sehr praxisorientiert und anschaulich.
Kundenstimme männlich
Philipp M.
Wacom Europe GmbH
vollständiger Sternvollständiger Sternvollständiger Sternvollständiger Sternvollständiger Stern
Sehr gute Organisation, guter Trainer - alles super!
Kundenstimme männlich
Martin S.
vollständiger Sternvollständiger Sternvollständiger Sternvollständiger Sternvollständiger Stern
Das Training zeichnet sich durch einen sehr hohen Praxisbezug und Raum für individuelle Hilfe persönlicher Problemstellungen sowie durch einen engagierten und hoch kompetenten Trainer aus.
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