SchulungenIBMIBM WorkshopsSpectrum Scale Advanced plus Remote Data Access (TD-H006G&H008G)
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Spectrum Scale Advanced plus Remote Data Access (TD-H006G&H008G)

Spectrum Scale Advanced plus Remote Data Access (TD-H006G&H008G): IBM Spectrum Scale – Remotezugriff & IBM Spectrum Scale-Administration

In diesem 5-tägigen Kurs kombinieren wir die Inhalte der IBM Spectrum Scale-Kurse H006G (Spectrum Scale V4.2 Advanced Administration for Linux) und H008G (Spectrum Scale Remote Data Access (V5)) und aktualisieren einige der älteren H006G-Inhalte, um auf V5.x zu basieren.

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Inhalte Spectrum Scale Advanced plus Remote Data Access

Day 1:
0:30 Welcome and course overview
1:30 “Quick start into Spectrum Scale” – recap of what is Spectrum Scale and the cluster basics
1:00 What’s new in Spectrum Scale V5.0.4.x + ESS
1:30 Multi Cluster Support (H006G Unit3 and H008G Unit1)

(needed for many parts in this week and this will also through the installation)
1:30 Exercise – Multi Cluster Support – install Spectrum Scale using the installation toolkit

Day 2:
0:30 The different Spectrum Scale Versions/Licenses (hints on which version to use when)

(Standard/Advanced/Data Management/Data Access/ECE – Erasure Code Edition)
1:00 Migrations … (H006G Unit1 ++)
Migrate to V4.2, from V4.2 to V5, from V5.0.x to the latest
1:00 Exercise on Migrations – we will migrate the lab to the latest (V5.0.4.x at writing)
1:00 Spectrum Scale GUI – Overview and Restrictions
1:30 Exercise – Install the Spectrum Scale GUI for each cluster (we have 2 clusters)
1:30 AFM – Active File Management (H008G Unit2)

Day 3:
0:45 Exercise – Configuring AFM (H008G Ex2)
1:30 AFM based async. Disaster Recovery (AFM-DR) (H008G Unit3)
0:45 Exercise – Configuring AFM-DR (H008G Ex3)
1:15 Clustered NFS – cNFS (H008G Unit4)
0:45 Exercise – cNFS (H008G Ex4)
2:00 Cluster Export Services – CES (H008G Unit5)

Day 4:
1:00 Exercise – Configuring Cluster Export Services – CES (H008G Ex5)
1:15 CES NFS (H008G Unit6)
0:45 Exercise Configuring CES NFS (H008G Ex6)
0:45 CES SMB (H008G Unit7)
0:45 Exercise Configuring CES SMB (H008G Ex7)
1:15 CES Object protocol support (H008G Unit8)
0:45 Exercise Configuring CES Object support (H008G Ex8)
0:45 CES Block (H008G Unit9) – only short theory – as this function is deprecated in V5.0.4.x

Day 5:
1:00 Spectrum Scale Archive (LTFS EE) (H006G Unit10 updated)
0:45 Spectrum Scale FPO (H006G Unit11)
0:45 Spectrum Scale FP0 and integration with Hadoop connector (H006G Unit12)
0:30 Spectrum Scale Flash Cache Metadata Migration H006G Unit15)
1:30 Monitoring and Performance Tuning – Hints and Tips (based on H006G Unit14 with updates) – mmhealth, mmnetverify etc.
0:30 Course Wrap Up and Q&A

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