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Junos Security Seminar

Enhanced security technologies

This five-day course covers the configuration, operation, and implementation of SRX Series Services Gateways in a typical network environment. Key topics within this course include security technologies such as security zones, security policies, Network Address Translation (NAT), IP Security (IPsec), and high availability clusters, as well as details pertaining to basic implementation, configuration, management, and troubleshooting.

Through demonstrations and hands-on labs, students will gain experience in configuring and monitoring the Junos OS and monitoring device operations. This course uses Juniper Networks SRX Series Services Gateways and Security director for the hands-on component. This course is based on Junos OS Release 15.1X49-D70.3 and Junos Space Security director 16.1.

After successfully completing this course, you should be able to perform the following:

  • Describe traditional routing and security and the current trends in internetworking.
  • Provide an overview of SRX Series devices and software architecture.
  • Describe the logical packet flow and session creation performed by SRX Series devices.
  • Describe, configure, and monitor zones.
  • Describe, configure, and monitor security policies.
  • Describe, configure, and monitor user firewall authentication
  • Describe various types of network attacks.
  • Configure and monitor Screen options to prevent network attacks.
  • Explain, implement, and monitor NAT, as implemented on Junos security platforms.
  • Explain the purpose and mechanics of IP Security (IPsec) virtual private networks
  • (VPNs).
  • Implement and monitor policy-based and route-based IPsec VPNs.
  • Describe, configure, and monitor high availability chassis clusters.
  • Describe how to deploy and manage vSRX.
  • Describe and configure Group VPNs.
  • Describe and configure ADVPNs.
  • Troubleshoot chassis clusters, IPsec VPNs, zones, and Security Policies

Inhalte Junos Security Seminar

  • Course Introduction
  • Introduction to Junos Security
  • Zones
  • Security Policies
  • Advanced Policy Options
  • Troubleshooting Security Zones and Policies
  • Network Address Translation
  • Advanced NAT Concepts
  • IPsec VPN Concepts
  • IPsec VPN Implementation
  • Group VPNs
  • ADVPNs
  • IPsec VPN Case Studies and Solutions
  • Troubleshooting IPsec
  • Virtualized SRX
  • High Availability Clustering Theory
  • High Availability Clustering Implementation
  • Troubleshooting Chassis Clusters

Wir schulen auch bei dir vor Ort!

Diese Junos Security Schulung führen wir auch bei dir im Unternehmen als individualisierte Junos Security-Firmenschulung durch.

Zielgruppe Junos Security Seminar

The course benefits operators of SRX Series devices. These operators include network engineers, administrators, support personnel, and reseller support personnel.

Voraussetzungen Junos Security Seminar

Students should have basic networking knowledge and an understanding of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model and the TCP/IP protocol suite. Students should also attend the Introduction to the Junos Operating System (IJOS) course, or have equivalent experience prior to attending this class.


Junos Security Schulung
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143 Bewertungen
vollständiger Stern vollständiger Stern vollständiger Stern vollständiger Stern halber Stern
Kundenstimme männlich
Michael W.
Ernst & Young Retail Services GmbH
vollständiger Sternvollständiger Sternvollständiger Sternvollständiger Sternvollständiger Stern
Ich fühlte mich in diesem Seminar hervorragend betreut. Es war sehr praxisorientiert und anschaulich.
Kundenstimme männlich
Mausolf B.
Struers GmbH
vollständiger Sternvollständiger Sternvollständiger Sternvollständiger Sternvollständiger Stern
Tolle Schulung - kompetenter Trainer, der geduldig auf alle Fragen einging, diese beantworten konnte und darüber hinaus viele neue Anregungen mit auf den Weg gab. Die Schulung hat Spaß gemacht.
Kundenstimme männlich
Lucas F.
Fa. Feld Textil GmbH
vollständiger Sternvollständiger Sternvollständiger Sternvollständiger Sternvollständiger Stern
Kann man nur weiterempfehlen! In kürzestem Zeitraum lernt man alle Basisdaten konkret und ausführlich.
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