SchulungenIBMIBM Systems TrainingIBM FlashSystem V9000 Storage Implementation
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IBM FlashSystem V9000 Storage Implementation Seminar

Scalable Performance, Enduring Economics, and Agile Integration.

IBM FlashSystem V9000 is a comprehensive all-flash enterprise storage solution that delivers the full capabilities of IBM FlashCore technology. FlashSystem V9000 offers a rich set of storage virtualization features designed to improve efficiency, management, scalability and flexibility for any storage environments. FlashSystem V9000 delivers industry-leading value to enterprises along three dimensions: Scalable Performance, Enduring Economics, and Agile Integration.

This course focuses on the planning and implementation tasks associated with integrating the FlashSystem V9000 into the storage area network, and facilitate storage application data access independence from storage management functions and requirements.

It also explains how to:

  • Centralize storage provisioning to host servers from common storage pools using internal storage and SAN attached external heterogeneous storage.
  • Improve storage utilization effectiveness using Thin Provisioning and Real-Time Compression
  • Implement storage tiering and optimization of flash, enterprise or nealine systems usage with Easy Tier.
  • Facilitate the coexistence and migration of data from non-virtualization to the virtualized environment.
  • Utilize network-level storage subsystem-independent data replication services to satisfy backup and disaster recovery requirements.

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Inhalte IBM FlashSystem Seminar

After completing this course, you should be able to:

  • Summarize the units associated with this course.
  • Recall the history and fundamentals for IBM FlashSystem storage.
  • Distinguish the core principles of the IBM FlashCore Technology.
  • Classify the characteristics and components of the IBM FlashSystem V9000 storage system.
  • Outline the physical and logical planning requirements to setup and configure a FlashSystem system environment.
  • Summarize the symmetric virtualization process converting IBM MicroLatency modules to storage resources.
  • Recall the process to create host access storage on the IBM FlashSystem V9000.
  • Determinate the advanced software features designed to simplify data management, improve data security, and preserve storage investments.
  • Interpret the process in which to migrate data to and from the virtualized FlashSystem V9000 system environment.
  • Recall the administrative functions and maintenance procedures to centralize the management and servicing of IBM FlashSystem V9000 storage resources.

Wir schulen auch bei dir vor Ort!

Diese IBM FlashSystem Schulung führen wir auch bei dir im Unternehmen als individualisierte IBM FlashSystem-Firmenschulung durch.

Zielgruppe IBM FlashSystem Seminar

This lecture and exercise-based course is for individuals who are assessing and/or planning to deploy IBM System Storage networked storage virtualization solutions. Typical students may include:

  • Customers
  • Technical IBM personnel
  • Business Partner technical personnel
  • IT consultants and architects

Voraussetzungen IBM FlashSystem Seminar

  • An understanding of the basic concepts of open systems disk storage system and I/O operations – we recommend the following:
  • Foundations of Storage (SS00DG) or
  • Introduction to Storage (SS01G) and
  • IBM Flash Storage Fundamentals (SSFS1G / SSFS1WG)